Sleep and Movement
Switching gears this week! I wanted to talk about applications of our tech. We’ve been deep in customer discovery interviews with B2C apps in the wellness/fitness/health space. As part of that outreach, I had a great chat this week with the Head of Sleep Science for SleepCycle - a popular sleep tracking app out of Gothenburg, Sweden. We can probably all agree that sleep and movement are inherently linked - anyone who has ever been seriously sleep deprived likely remembers stumbling or wobbling when you tried to walk. But apparently there is very little research on how sleep interacts with movement beyond physical activity or sport related studies, which have found that just doing more physical activity doesn’t necessarily mean better sleep quality or being able to stay asleep longer. What if you could predict how you’ll sleep tonight based on how you’ve moved today, rather than just waking up to a notification that you didn’t sleep well? Isn’t that a dream. 🧠